AmigaOS3.5 (898/967)

Date:28 May 2000 at 09:37:43
Subject:Re: (unknown)

Hello Michael,

On 26-May-00, you wrote:

> I checked ASIMWare yesterday (Wednesday) and the site is totally redone,
> with no reference to any Amiga products. I heard that they have dropped
> Asim CDFS and are considering dropping MasterISO as well. Seems they are
> not interested in us anymore.
> Of course, this altered my plans to purchase a CD mastering suite from
> them. I've looked over MakeCD, it looks nice, and it's cheaper than
> AsimCDFS plus MasterISO. (Plus they lose if I get a wintel and decide to
> buy a CD-R package for it, HotBurn isn't likely anymore.)

Try BurnIT, it's great.


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